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Oost-Vlieland (ex-Baldur, nu Inter Ilhas) [periode 1994-nu]
Voor zover de tracking klopt is het schip goed aangekomen in Porto Grande.
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“Inter-ilhas” to back up maritime passenger transportation in the country 08 January 2015
The ship “Inter-ilhas” has docked at Mindelo seaport, on the island of São Vicente. The vessel, the fruit of investments of more than one million euros, is a response to requests by those who frequently resort to maritime transportation to make their way between Cape Verde’s islands and who have been left with few options since the accident that left the Sal Rei out of service and the running aground of the Pentalina B off the east coast of Santiago in 2014.
The ship has a 400-passenger, 246-metric ton cargo capacity, and can travel at a maximum speed of 14 knots. Its owners, however, the Polar Agency in São Vicente, intend to keep its speed at between 12.5 and 13 knots, for economic reasons.
Although its documentation is still being dealt with, the Inter-ilhas is expected to begin plying the waters next week along the São Vicente-Praia route, and may later include Praia-Boa Vista and Praia-Fogo on its schedule.
The shipping agency Polar hopes to win over clients with its differentiated services, including picking up cargo at businesses’ warehouses and delivering cargo directly to the final customer.
The ship was acquired in Iceland and is 45 years old, but has recently undergone a facelift. Indeed, the manager of Polar affirms that the vessel has been rebuilt twice and is in good condition. The crew is 100% Cape Verdean.
Wim Vink:
Oost-Vlieland in zwaar pakijs in 1996.
Gelet op de kerstboom bovenop het stuurhuis zal deze foto in de kerst-nieuwjaarperiode zijn gemaakt.
foto: coll. M. Zeeders
Donderdag, 10. Juni 2004, 14:30:52h:
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